The story follows the Hamilton family, led by scientist father Dre and guardian mother Maya, as their five children – gifted chef Tasha, bookish introvert Sienna, slacker son Ty, and prodigies Jordan and Keira – learn from their parents about their destinies as the last descendants of an ancient magical order tasked with maintaining balance in the world.
When a mysterious threat in the form of a giant robot called Neocron appears, the children awaken their powers of super strength, telekinesis, speed, and technological manipulation to face this devastating foe.
Join the Hamiltons on an a quest that infuses humor, heart, and afro-futurism into an unforgettable adventure!
Steven Goard & Alonge Hawes
Steven Goard, Jasmin Richardson, Maria Katre, Shani Hawes, Mina Kraynak, Zane Copeland Jr. and Arinze, Major Attaway, and Jason C. Louder
Release Date
/ gallery
/ featured characters
Dre Hamilton
Maya Hamilton
Tasha Hamilton
Sienna Hamilton
Jordan Hamilton
Keira Hamilton
Ty Hamilton
Tariq Lattimore
Victor Hyde
Redefining Black Family
Legacy for the Future
We're redefining Black family legacy for the future. With every frame, we’re showcasing the strength, unity, and brilliance of Black families in animation and storytelling. This is just the beginning.